Monday, January 10, 2005

Be very very quiet..

Everyone's asleep now, and Sachiko is sick with a cold :( Poor thing
I'm going to go and get some midnight gyoza in a sec from the local 7/11. That's one thing that I will miss so much, is the 7/11's. For anyone who doesn't know (None in Adelaide, but all around rest of Aust I think), they are 24 hour convenience stores. Here in Japan, they are everywhere - The price of your property is basically judged on how far you are from the nearest train station and the 7/11. I'm about 10 mins bike ride, and another 10 mins walk from station, and only a 30 second walk to the nearest 7/11.
Actually, I can see it from my room :)

I'm going to comment on comments in my blogs now :)

One thing to clear up however, which I really should have explained previously, is that I'm not staying for a year. It's just that my ticket is a 1 year open ticket, so it doesn't expire for 1 year, and I can change the return date anytime for free. I had to change, because there were no 3 month tickets available. I do plan to stay for 3 months minimum, but hopefully for 6.
You see, I'm currently on a 90 day visitor VISA, so technically I can only stay for 90 days. But I'm going to Korea in March to visit friends, so when I come back to Japan, I should be granted another 90 days :D But not sure yet - So I plan to ring the embassy just to make sure.

And quotes -
" will you be getting a job there? That would be interesting... kind of like MegaTokyo the comic, if you have ever read that."
haha, very much like MegaTokyo I hope. I love that comic. Unfortunately because of the VISA I'm on, I'm not allowed to work here. But it would be nice to make an income somehow by myself - Hopefully though selling items on ebay :)

"remember to take heaps of photos for me mate"
Many photos have been taken already :D Just have to find the time to edit them and upload them. Because this comp is a pos, it takes a min just to load photoshop elements. It's a Duron 800 / 128MB RAM for anyone interested btw.

Anyway, back on track.
Last night I went to a place called Shibuya. It's about 30 mins train ride from where I am living.
It's probably one of the busiest places in Tokyo, with it's rival being Shinjuku. Both places are havens for young people, with massive 15 floor shopping malls, nightclubs everywhere, game arcades, tons of places to eat, you'll never get bored. I went there because it's showed often in the movie 'Lost in Translation', which I absolutely adore.
As soon as I got off the train, and walk out of Hachiko Exit, it was like standing in the middle of the movie. Absolutely amazing.

In Shibuya, I just walked around, looking in shopping malls etc. I went to a big SEGA Arcade (I'm a big SEGA person for those who don't know) which rocked. But the problem with big arcades is that they are more expensive. NFI why, they just are. But I brought a couple of ice creams from vending machines there and went back wandering around.
I found a nightclub that I had heard about so many times on the net, and it's always been a dream place to go. I really couldn't believe I was there. It's a place called Gaspanic (, and is very popular with gaijin (foreigners). So as soon as night started to come, I went in.

Gaspanic is a very very small club compared to Australian clubs. Most nightclubs here charge entry of about 2000-3000 yen ($25-35) with 1 free drink, but luckily Gaspanic don't.
But, because of this, they do have one single rule. You must be drinking at all times. They even have signs posted around stating this. So you're meant to order a drink as soon as you finish your other one. This doesn't always happen if people are dancing and such, but when it's not very busy they do go around and shake you glass a little if you're not drinking from it.

They have a great happy hour though. 400 yen for any drink you want. Including cocktails until 9:30 every night. Needless to say I got quite pissed.
Anyway, great night. Spoke to many gaijin. And danced with a few nice girls too.

Sachiko didn't come with me, so she was a bit worried that I might not be able to get home (get lost etc) because I needed to change trains. But luckily I made it home safely - Mind you I did get into the wrong train once, but quickly realized.

For a bit of a change, I'll note on something a bit sad. Hachiko.
Hachiko is a dog. A very caring, loyal dog. A dog who became so popular that even a statue was erected just outside of Shibuya. The exit is even called 'Hachiko Exit'. It's become a super popular meeting spot, but quite a sad tale to hear. One of the reasons for me going to Shibuya was to pat Hachiko, because I read about him on the net.

Also, seeing today is now over, to run down on what I did is a list below.

And that concludes my blog today.
Just kidding, but I didn't do much at all because I wanted to stay home with Sachiko.
I ran over to 7/11 and brought some super expensive ice cream (900 yen for 6 little 75ml tubs). It's a very popular brand called Haagen Daz, which unfortunately we didn't have in Adelaide either :(

Anyway, more to come soon :D
I'm meeting my old time Japanese friends tomorrow at Tokyo Station! W00t.
I haven’t seen them for years, I seriously can't wait - Will post photos soon.

Goodnight until then :)


Anonymous said...

People can't be fucked reading essays for posts.
Keep it shorter and more simple.
People aren't as excited about it as you are.

Anonymous said...

Now now, we have the 24/7 on North Terrace. And I think one or two on Hindley, but certaintly nothing out in the suburbs other than petrol stations.

Furthermore, keep the BLOG as long as you want, these things are mean't to be long as a general rule, just read any other proper blog. And if someone doesn't like the details, they can skim through it or hey, not read it at all.

Lastly, that poor dog! :(


Anonymous said...

Wade, its Brett.
We DO have Haagen Daz in Adelaide, I brought some from a freaking video store once.
Very Expensivement.
Love Brett.

Anonymous said...

I like long posts myself - the more detail, the better. I have an attention span longer than 3 seconds and I'm interested, so post on.


Hachiko is so sad, it reminds me of my dog, Jerome.
For those of you who obviously don't know, and who apparently like long stories, here goes:

My dad used to do shiftwork all the time, and on night shift would often get home at all weird hours of the morning, and late then even. Anyways, while this was happening, Jeroms used to stand by the door and stay up all night standing guard until he got home. No matter what you said, he would not move when asked, and once actually growled when I tried "convicing" him to sleep.
Kinda funny really, as he'd not move a muscle until dad was inside. This resulted once when dad locked himself out in Jerome just sitting there and barking until I finally went out there and unlocked the door. As soon as dad got inside though, Jerome would go back to his basket and go straight to sleep. This didn't affect his daytime either though, he'd be up to see us to school and all.

Back on topic, they really take neon to the max, I hope you find a way to get some of those pics hosted so I don't have to wait till you get back to see some more. :D

P.s. the longness scared me at first, but I like it, besides, mine tends to get a bit long at points anyway...


Anonymous said...

Update Wade, Fagdammit!
i seriously can't be fuckered looking at the same lifeless page everytime I go to my *favourites*, just to get your fucking blog out.
you need to earn being in my favourites!
love brett.