Monday, February 07, 2005

Time goes so fast when your doing nothing.

Time goes so fast when your doing nothing.

I can't believe it's been nearly a month since I updated my blog. haha. And I'm only like 3 posts in. That's shocking.

It's super hard to explain unfortunately as to why I've been so lazy in regard to updating it, so I won't go into much detail, but it stemms from the fact I'm naturally lazy when it comes to any sort of writing - Actually getting anything done full stop. I think my passport took months of 'I'll do it tomorrow' sentences passing though my mouth before I finally got someone else to do it for me.
Also, not only just that. Unfortunately myself and Sachiko's father don't get along incredibly well. I could write on about it for hours, but I won't. But basically, I think he's stubborn and lazy with certain things, he doesn't like my age, he doesn't like the fact that I'm in Japan on holidays when he thinks I should be working, and he's also unhappy that Sachiko doesn't have a job here - Even though she's also here on holidays too. (On another note, she does have a job now part time)

So basically, I just try and see him as little as possible. That's not to say I'm not on the PC alot - I am practically everynight, I just never feel like updating this blog. BUT!
From this post on, I will strive to update at least twice a week. I started this blog basically so I could post super interesting things that I find in Japan. And by God have I found some. But, that is for a time very soon to come.


I have done so much since I last updated, so writing it down will be awfully difficult. That and the fact that I've forgotten most of it. So we'll start from what I did yesturday and what I'll do is, when something jolts my brain on something interesting that I did, I will suddenly write a bit on what happened. Of course, this will fuck up the flow of the blog for a while, but at least we won't miss anything in the long run.

Yesturday Sachiko went and met up with some of her old work mates for lunch. Apparently it would have been rather boring as it was planned to be a quick lunch (while they were on break), so I decided to meet up later about 3:30ish when she met another friend for coffee.
We met in a place called Ochanomizu, which is about a 23 or so minute train ride from my station (Shinkoiwa).

I've been to this place before when I met my old exchange friends from Adelaide -

(At my school, we used to have exchange students come and stay for a few weeks every year. I was lucky enough to have hosted 3 students over 3 years, and every year I made many great friends. A few of those friends I've kept in contact with over the years. These bunch of great people are from the 2002 tour I think - So it was fantastic meeting up with them after 3 years. As I expected, they look exactly the same. Apparently my hair is longer though - Who would have guessed.. We went to Karaoke, got some purikura's done (little sticker photo things) and had lunch together. I'll meet up with them again as soon as their Uni entrance exams are over.)

- so I know my way around, but I had to meet them at a coffee shop though an exit I'm not used to. Luckily enough, Sachiko worked around here for 3 years, so she was able to draw me a fantastic little map of the place.

Before too long I was hungry as I hadn't eaten breakfast yet (got up very late..), so I wandered off to get some food. Unfortunately, I found myself spending money at the arcade.
This sorta thing happens to me alot - Getting sidetracked that is.
I wasted 1300¥ (Always divide number by 77 to get about what it costs me in $AUD after bank fees etc - ie this time $17ish) there on stupid UFO catchers (those crane type games) that never fucking catch anything. Or they just tease you by picking up the toy, and dropping it in an even more difficult to reach spot. I did however manage to win 2 toys (I'll post photo's tomorrow if I can). I also played a game of Quest of D, which is a Online RPG I'm addicted to atm at the arcades. MMORPG's as arcades games.. Only in Japan :D
I did end up buying some McDonalds too on the way back to the cafe too.

After we said our farewells, Sachiko and I walked around, visited her old place of work, and headed to a nice ramen shop before heading home.

Today I didn't really do much. In the afternoon I made my way to the city (from now on, when I refer to 'the city' I refer to around Shinkoiwa station - It makes life alot easier) and walked around a bit, played a bit of Quest of D, looked in Famicon House (Fantastic second hand game shop that I regular) and came home. I'm the King of Excitement.

Also, some photo's laying around that jolted my memory on some things that happened..

- Met up with my great friend Phil in Shinkoiwa. Fuck we rock at Karaoke together. Also we 0wned at some addictive as crack coin game. Whole post coming soon on arcade/medal games soon.
- Saw large dinosaurs in Shibuya
- Went to the Park Hyatt Tokyo where Lost in Translation was filed, and sat in the bar, on the same seat as Bill Murry. Dark I know, but no flash allowed. Fantastic view btw - 52nd floor above the busiest city in Japan - The train station there takes over 2 Million people per day. Mind you though, 3 drinks and a selection of cheeses cost me about $125 Australian..
- Went to Ginza and played with Aibo's in the SONY Building.
- Found a new lens for my camera that I wish to purchase for $700,000 (Pic from Net btw)

I'm sure many other things will pop up soon.

Will update shortly again

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Time goes so fast when your doing nothing."
